Investment Philosophy ss

Bridgewater AG is focused at providing consistent and reliable stream of fixed income and understanding investor's fixed income goals. We believe in providing clarity of investment instruments and transparency of management.

Strategic Sourcing & Originations Pipeline ss

Bridgewater’s principles industry network is expansive, including banks, brokers with established relationships, direct connections to operators, affiliate entities, and various databases. This extensive network enables us to meticulously identify ideal assets in limited service and extended stay hotels. Coupled with rigorous market research and analysis, our approach ensures a focus on the most viable and promising opportunities, enhancing our ability to pinpoint assets that align perfectly with our strategic objectives.

Underwriting ss

Our underwriting process is comprehensive, delving deep into each potential investment’s financials, operational potential, and market positioning. We assess risks, growth potential, and alignment with our investment criteria, particularly focusing on the mid-market range. This detailed analysis guarantees that we select investments that not only meet but exceed our stringent standards for capital preservation, value add and potential upside.

Investment Committee
and Approval ss

The Investment Committee, a diverse group of experts from various aspects of our firm, engages in a detailed evaluation of each investment opportunity. The committee’s discussions are informed by current market trends and a forward-looking perspective, ensuring a balanced view of both opportunities and risks. The approval process is rigorous, ensuring that only the most strategically aligned and high-potential investments are selected.

Vertically Integrated
Asset Management ss

Our integrated management approach involves close collaboration between our asset management team and our operations team. This ensures a seamless strategy execution from top to bottom, enhancing the overall value of our investments. We focus on strategic oversight, operational excellence, and regular performance assessments to ensure our investments are managed efficiently and effectively, in line with Bridgewater’s high standards.

Strategic Exit Planning ss

Bridgewater Asset Group implements a comprehensive exit strategy for each investment, designed to maximize returns for our partners. This involves careful market analysis and timing considerations to determine the most opportune moment for exit. Our exit process is as meticulous as our acquisition and management stages, ensuring that the culmination of each investment aligns with our overarching goal of long-term value creation and investor satisfaction. This strategic foresight in exit planning is a cornerstone of our investment approach, safeguarding the interests of our partners and stakeholders at every stage of the investment cycle.
Each of these steps embodies Bridgewater’s commitment to excellence, strategic investment, and effective management in the hotel sector.